10:14 PM Tuesday, <April 12>, <2011>
Geez. Awful. Another 7 days. Finished up Harry Potter, and actually kind of drawing a blank on what to read next. Not sure what direction to go in. Feels like I need a palette cleaner, something fluffy and light. Maybe another round of Soon I Will Be Invincible. That's pretty light and easy. Still haven't seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 yet. Not available through Redbox or Netflix. In the midst of Lent, and I'm getting my fill of sushi. Been going to Sushi Sai for lunch the last 3 Fridays. Yum. But actually might be overdosing on it. So might have to cut down. Weather got hot this past weekend. Too hot. I'm actually enjoying the current high 50's, low 60's. It's pretty perfect in my humble opinion. Not looking forward to the heat of summer. Got our taxes done, or more accurately, the family accountant got our taxes done. Crazy. Another refund. So crazy getting those.