8:37 PM Tuesday, <April 5>, <2011>
Yeah. Days go by, no updates. It's like I don't even have a blog anymore. Lucy's great, but was pooping a lot. Switched over to food from jars, and seems to have stabilized a little. Hopefully. Been working, a lot. Also plowing through Harry Potter books. On Deathly Hallows now, and been about 4 weeks since I started. Also, as I've been finishing a book, I put the movie on in the background. Always interesting to see what makes it and what doesn't, and what gets changed. Oh, also with Lucy, tried going to breakfast with her before her morning nap. Works out pretty well I think. Well, kind of. Maybe every other trip out is super calm and easy, then a little hyper and active. But still a great baby. Also been watching a lot of Outsourced on Hulu. Pretty good show. The movie does translate pretty well into a sitcom. Figure I should start riding the bike again. It's about time. Not sure how to handle the logistics though, taking or picking Lucy up from grandma's. Somewhat related topic, ran into Mrs. Klos at the train station, when I was coming back from lunch. Small world, well, not that small, but still small world.