10:06 PM Wednesday, <August 4>, <2010
Congrats to Katie Gregory, nee Kelly, on providing the first comment. Made me go in a tweak the theme so it looks better. Speaking of which, Lucy slept through the night again. This time even earlier, from about 8pm to 5:30am. Trending? Of course we're throwing a monkey wrench into it all by taking her to Jason's wedding this weekend in Duluth. We'll see if she adjusts accordingly, or not. If so, she'll be better at taking environmental changes than her daddy. Tried to beat the storm this morning walking her over to Grandma's daycare. But got caught anyway about 3/4ths of the way there. Lucy stayed pretty dry, as the carseat/Bob combo has some pretty good hoods. Almost like a bubble. Went over for dinner as well. Oh, my mom had to go back to Woodstock for some errands, so my dad provided day care today. Did a pretty good job. Watched some Eureka tonight. Trying to do some work at night, but not really getting much done. Too tired. Had another affogato at home today for a snack. That's good stuff. But picking between that or a latte, well, I wanted both but figured that'd be a bad idea. A little too much caffeine.