9:34 PM Tuesday, <August 3>, <2010
So Lucy slept through the night last night. Guess who didn't? This guy. She started making some noise like she was going to wake up around 1am. So I sort of waited it out in bed, checking every 5 minutes or so when I thought I heard some movement. Around 1:30am I figured she was gonna get up soon, so might as well prep and give Tracy some peace and quiet, so I turned off the monitor, and went out to the living room to use her laptop to monitor and also to get the bottle ready. 2am, movement, but Lucy never opens her eyes. I'm still expecting her to get up. I finally call it quits at 3am, because even if she did move her arms, or grunt a little, or suck on her fingers, she didn't wake up. Until 7am. And she was all cute and cuddly and quiet when she woke up. No grumpy, cranky, crying for a bottle. Just chill. So weird. Like a completely different baby. Of course she was back to her normal self when I picked her up this evening. It was croissants day, so picked some up from Treasure Island for breakfast, along with a bunch of movies from Redbox. Been reading a bunch of Star Wars comics from a torrent I downloaded a long time ago, using CloudReader on the iPad. Plowed through the Thrawn Trilogy and Dark Empire and Dark Empire II. Found out I need to read Empire End to finish that trilogy. Comics on the iPad are great.