11:21 PM Friday, <July 9>, <2010>
Sorry, missed a day because I was too full last night. The only stipulation for Bryan crashing at the old place was that he had to cook us dinner, and that was Thursday night. He showed up around 11:30am, did prep work and cooked and cleaned, and left to run some errands around 3:30pm. Brisket was awesome. 2 hours on the grill, 4 hours to finish in the oven. A very good jicama salad, quite possible y my favorite dish of the night, and a spicy chipotle potato salad. Awesome. I still feel like my family came out ahead in this deal. Also had the Russells over, including Gavin, so that was interesting seeing how little our place is ready for a mobile baby. And of course, lots of baby related discussions going on. Very nice. Really nice. Family night. Friday i had a haircut, and my parents were nice enough to babysit Lucy for the night. So Tracy and I got to go out for a nice dinner at Feast, then over to Piece to see Chuck play. And got to see some old fiends, namely Joe Little and Kate Mazurek. Nice to see them and all the other ultimate related folks. But didn't stay out too late, since Chuck went on late, and the sound setup wasn't all that conducive to actually hearing all the parts of the band. But we ended up leaving at the same time as Chuck's family, about 2 songs in, so that's not that bad. Hitting up Green Ciy Market with my parents, and might try and make an appearance at Sandblast on Saturday. Got to use my iPad as I had inteded, RDP over VPN over 3G on the table at Piece. Super easy, fast and relatively unobtrusive. Random software rave: f.lux. It adjusts the temperature of the display based on time of day. I didn't think it would make that much of a difference. It does.