8:40 AM Thursday, <May 27>, <2010>
Days kind of blending. Same stuff, different day. Probably why there's been some lack of photos of Lucy, she's not doing anything too exciting these days. Also lack of sleep probably has something to do with it. Yesterday morning she was up and fussy at 5am, so I got up, had her sleep on my chest while i watched Adventureland. So that was cool. Of course, I had to take a nap since i was up so early. Ordered up some Ranalli's for dinner last night. Watched some tv. Continue to use the iPad for pert much everything. I went ahead and bought iTeleport a VNC client, which is totally worth the cost. Works like a charm, and I'm able to connect to the Mac mini to upload photos and stuff. Seriously awesome. Still using the Macbook to do some dev work though. The iPad has been lasting all day, which is cool. Been trying to do some more iBook organization, but actually haven't started reading anything yet.