11:07 PM Thursday, <May 6>, <2010>
Except for not sleeping longer than 3 or 4 hours at a time, and changing diapers, it kind of feels like one super long weekend for the first week of Lucy's life. After her early morning feeding around 6am, we sleep in until her later feeding at 9am. Then we hang out, watching her sleep, occasionally playing with her, reading books about baby care, watching TV, watching movies, napping, eating. Kind of like vacation, except we don't really leave the house. But fairly relaxing. It's gonna be hard on a couple different levels to go back to work. Lucy continues to be cute. We're still adjusting to her feeding schedule, which seems to fluctuate a little, anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 4 sometimes, and hopefully we're getting better at catching the signs for hunger before the crying starts. I need a better platform, but I think I can use the kitchen scale to weigh her. It's also been a week that she's been out in the world. Crazy. Seems like she's growing already, especially when looking at photos from just a few days ago. Started taking a few short videos as well with the GF1 and put an order in for an Eye-Fi Pro X2 last night, so hopefully I can upload photos closer to realtime, instead of in giant bunches.