11:02 PM Wednesday, <May 5>, <2010>
So, we read too much about care for babies. There's some questions about breastfeeding, and lately we've been having to wake Lucy up for her every 3 hour feedings, because otherwise she would sleep through. So we're used to the 3 hour schedule, and we weren't expecting her to be hungry off schedule. And tonight she was. We changed her multiple times, bounced with her successfully calming her down on the exercise ball, soothed her a little on my chest, and she kept on crying. No rooting. I thought her chewing on her hands was a sign of gas, because after getting burped she no longer put her hands in her mouth. This parenting thing has to get at least a little easier once they can tell you at least a little about what's wrong. Right? And to think we were doing pretty well, at least we thought we were. Now we feel awful. But, still learning. My parents came over today while running errands, dropped off some food, and babysat while Tracy and I got to leave the house. We went over to Nabo's for lunch and down to Paciugo Gelato (no durian yet) and over to Gap as Tracy needs to find some more clothes to wear as she works the maternity weight off. Anyway, we're gonna try and meet with a lactation consultant tomorrow hopefully, as we have some additional questions on breastfeeding.