3:46 PM Monday, <January 4>, <2010>
Yes, living in the future, the year 2010. I have no idea what my dreams were of this year, back when 2010 was the future, instead of the present. Still no flying cars, personal jet packs, or servant robots (I don't have a roomba). So the new year so far involved lots of sleeping, hanging out at the in-laws, shopping, and reading. I'm currently on Breaking Dawn, after plowing through the first 3 books in the Twilight Series, starting on December 23, 2009. Read 23 books this year, when I started counting in February. Only book I doubled up on was Soon I Will Be Invincible, probably because it was new to my stable. I wonder what the coming year will bring, and if my reading will increase or decrease with the baby. Or if I count Goodnight Moon for myself. Finally fried up the plantain that was brown enough, and Tracy jerked up some chicken and coconut rice for dinner last night. I made a tiny single Oreo cheesecake yesterday as well, which was ok, but I should have found a recipe, instead of just putting Oreos into a regular cheesecake. But, pretty easy to make and bake. All caught up on Dollhouse, and I'm glad it appears to be setting up for a nice wrap up. More like a nice 26 episode miniseries, than just an open ended tv series. Finally watched Tropic Thunder. Good, but not amazing.