12:00 AM Friday, <January 1>, <2010>
Happy New Year and all that jazz. Wish I hadn't gone on hiatus with the blogging between August 1999 and July 2001, then I would have had a nice decade of blogging. As it is, I don't remember what I was doing when the decade started. Anyway, went in to work late after having breakfast with Baniella at Nookies Tree. But still got some stuff done. Picked up Potbelly for dinner on the way home. Watched Death Race to pass the time until Tracy got off work, then drove out to the in-laws for the new year. Watched slideshow of Mike's wedding, and saw some photos from Gabe's favorite photographer and I can't wait to get a real camera. Also possibly figured out which hardware/software solution to use for baby monitoring. Excited about the. Probably get it soon and use it to spy on Tracy, just for testing.