6:08 PM Tuesday, <November 3>, <2009>
Back on the bike today, specifically, the Dynamic Sprint. Took the rack and baskets off, since I rocked the messenger bag today. It feels like a completely different bike. And it was nice, to be light and sprightly, but I missed the stability of a weighted bike. So I'll put it back on tomorrow. But biking's nice. Even took a trip out to OnShore to return a DSL modem during lunch. And seemed to be moving pretty well, although I do actually feel sore already. And I think I only took like 2 weeks off. Also, the Sprint is so much more quiet than the Trek 7000. It's nice. Also, yay to toe clips. And yay to not having to use an ankle strap on the drive side pant leg. Otherwise, still continuing to be busy at work. But not having to stay late is nice. But getting to work from home at night is not so nice, but nicer than staying late. Managed to get to bed at a decent hour last night. Watched Mad Men, How I Met Your Mother and Parks & Recreation.