11:16 AM Thursday, <June 19>, <2008>
Ok, so our new estimated closing date is July 7. It's hard getting it all organized, especially because Tracy's scheduling is not easy to change or shift around on short notice. Hopefully this will be the only hiccup. Left work early last night to head up to Pottery Barn to pick up furniture. Took a while because someone decided to just wrap the table up without disassembling it. Also, they wrapped and tagged the wrong item for us, giving us a small ottoman table instead of the outdoor nesting tables, so we ended up getting brand new ones in the box instead of the floor samples. We also snuck in an outdoor console table that matches the nesting tables which we bought while waiting for our stuff to show up at the back door. Awesome. So we'll have some furniture when we move in eventually. Tracy made lamb chops for dinner, I did some resistance training, watched The Middleman, which I think is a cross between Eureka and Veronica Mars. Had to do some work from home, since I left early. Watched some show on the Food Channel about best places to pig out, and one made me want to get some oysters.