11:46 AM Wednesday, <June 18>, <2008>
Well, I knew something was gonna come up, but the sellers need to push the closing date back. Awesome. So now we're trying to figure out the best day taking into account rate lock expiration dates and schedules, to hopefully make it all work out. Shouldn't be any longer than a week though. I knew something was going to happen. Anyway, heading to Pottery Barn on Michigan Ave. tonight to try and put a couple tables into Tracy's car after work. Hopefully we can break them down a little to get them to fit. Also meant that I took the bus to work today, instead of biking in. Odd. Last night went for a run, or endurance training for the Urbanathlon. Tracy made stir fry for dinner. We watched Top Chef. That is a pretty good show. Might end up watching next season, even though it won't be in Chicago. I organized some eBooks, finding images of book covers. Some of the PDF's have some formatting issues, like text of Page # which I need to figure out how to get rid of. Just wish I could buy them from the eBook Store from Sony. I figured I have a little more time to work on a floorplan.