12:15 PM Monday, <June 9>, <2008>
Got 9 movies in this weekend. Started Friday night Tracy and I went and saw Iron Man finally. That was after I met up with her at the Pottery Barn on Michigan Ave, which was closing up on the 20th. So we picked up a couple tables, floor samples and clearance. One set of nesting tables for the deck and what we hope to be a cafe table behind the couch in the living room. After the movie, which was good, but not the best superhero movie ever which I had read, we picked up some frozen food from Dominick's for dinner. Didn't have time for a sit down since Tracy had to work in the morning. Saturday, with Tracy at work, I settled in and watched Reign Over Me, Even Money, and The Namesake. Also converted some more episodes of Spice Up My Kitchen for Lisa and Ryan. Tried going to Ribfest with JEspy, but it was raining, so we tried heading to Smoque, which was packed, so ended up at Gale Street Inn. Yum. Sunday I really picked up the movie watching. Heist, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, Stardust, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I dropped off Tracy at Earwax Cafe where she had dinner with friends and I picked up Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on DVD. Yes, I'm still slightly hung up on the Harry Potter stories. I've got Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on the iPhone. Yes, slightly addicted. Oh, and I think it's Bike to Work week in Chicago this week. Exciting.