1:54 PM Tuesday, <May 20>, <2008>
Kind of back into the swing of things. Not really. Got more sleep last night though. Tracy made chicken soup, she might be coming down with a cold. I worked a bit on photos from vacation. All those photos of the rain forest tend to be a bit repetitive. And then labeling them all? How many times can I write trees? Got lots of stuff on the DVR, watched Bones and Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs, even though that one was shown out of order. Got lots of laundry to do, maybe we should try and sneak that in tonight. Besides that, it's a bit cold here in Chicago, ain't it? It was a roughly 40 degree swing from our departure from Miami on Sunday to arrival in Chicago. Good for me and my biking though. And it's definitely nice to be biking again. Got a few questions on the shaft drive on the way in today. Probably need to grease it up a little. Maybe. Oh, and maybe someone would want to go to the Drive-In this weekend? The Cascade Drive-In is showing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Iron Man as a double feature starting Friday. That sounds like an ideal drive in movie set. Too bad Tracy's working this weekend, or I'd definitely drag her out to that. I will go sometime this summer. That's for sure. A promise even.