12:12 PM Monday, <May 19>, <2008>
Back from vacation. I'll work on providing a more detailed writeup on the Memex page for Caravan Costa Rica Natural Paradise Tour. Overall, it was great. Great country, food, friends old and new, activities, accommodations, sights and sounds. All good. I'll also work on getting photos up at Flickr. Only have I think 700 or so to go through. Some highlights? Getting absolutely great weather for all the sightseeing, and only really getting rain during the resorty parts of the trip. Seeing lava/eruptions. Going ziplining. Seeing lots of animals. Stepping in both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Renaissance Faire production of A Coffee Plantation. The coffee. Rice and beans. A surprise stay at an all inclusive resort. But it's good to be back. It's good to not have to be on a bus anymore. Got back around 10:30ish last night. Walked down and picked up Tracy's keys from April, who was supposed to be plant watering for us, which is just basil. Then had a late dinner at Melrose Diner. Then back on internet after a long time off. I think I'm back up to speed again. Then rode in to work today. And back to work.