3:58 PM Wednesday, <March 26>, <2008>
Still waiting on some sort of news/writeup on the Scandal Paganello win. I will have to try out Blockstack.tv coverage tonight though, as they actually cover it. However, people are probably just getting back into town today, so maybe they'll be some writeups in the next couple of days. Finished up Dragons of Winter Night on the bus home last night, started up Dragons of Spring Dawning. No idea if I'll keep up with the Dragonlance reading with Legends, or just give up and start riding my bike to work again. That'll happen eventually. Leftovers for dinner last night. Watched New Amsterdam, The Big Bang Theory (which doesn't seem quite as funny anymore, but nice to have Rent play a part), and some Real Estate shows. Almost done ripping Las Vegas (tv show), which means I can start transcoding them soon, all 4 seasons. The trick to upload large quantities of email to Google Apps seems to work OK, but it chokes on some random emails. Probably did 16K yesterday, another 12K today. And I still have lots more to do. Also got a snail mail flyer for Toast of the Town, a wine tasting at the Field Museum on May 1, 7-10pm. Already bought our tickets, should be fun. A little expensive, but always cool to drink wine while walking around a museum. Oh, and we'll be participating in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 29, at 8pm. See Earth Hour Chicago for more details.