10:51 AM Tuesday, <March 25>, <2008>
Nothing exciting going on. Did my exercises last night. Leftovers for dinner. Watched New Amsterdam and How I Met Your Mother. Working on ripping Las Vegas (tv show) for transcoding to Apple TV. Trying to figure out which episode I'm missing for Alias Season 3 and which episodes are dupes in Season 2. Also, the issue I had with transcoding NewsRadio was because the first title plays all episodes on the disc, so I was transcoding a 3 hours of all episodes plus each individual episode. Oh, I have decided to start using Flickr again, instead of Gallery. Upgraded to a pro account, got FlickrExport, uploaded some older Paganello photos. Still have to figure out how to integrate it well with Daily Dose. Being back on flickr means I can email photos directly to my gallery, which means I am more likely to post photos again. Even better would be when an iPhone Flickr client comes out, whenever that happens. Also think I've finally figured out my problems uploading local archived email to my Google Apps IMAP account: take the account offline in Mail.app, copy the messages over, then bring the account back online. Seems to work, but I started it when I left this morning, so I'll know more when I get back. But my %used keeps going up on Gmail, now at 2630 MB (40%) of my 6551 MB. When it's all said and done, I'll have online email archives available back to June 1997. Awesome.