12:29 PM Thursday, <May 17>, <2007>
Piling up all the old kitchen stuff on the dining room table. And wow, there's a lot of stuff I've accumulated over the years. Like a lot of stuff. But it makes me happy, because it's out with the old and in with the new. Gives me a chance to streamline. Tracy's been opening gifts, so that's how it's getting started. She actually used some of the stuff last night to make dinner (steak, asparagus, home fries, and a sauteed tomato salad). While we ate we watched Mission Impossible: III. Made me want to watch Alias, or kind of felt like I was watching a movie version of Alias. Anyway, pretty good stuff. The Rabbit's Foot is right up there with the Process from The Spanish Prisoner and the Briefcase from Ronin.