3:07 PM Friday, <November 24>, <2006>
Wednesday night, enjoyed another episode of Studio 60, this time on the old cinema display with the creature speakers. Not a bad experience. Better resolution than analog broadcast that I get on my big tv. Also started downloading via XTorrent some tv shows that I've wanted to watch, like Jack & Bobby and Cupid. Mac and cheese for dinner. Thursday, of course, was Thanksgiving. Good times, even if I had to do a little work throughout the day. Also using iChat with a wireless network to see Al and Nicole was pretty cool. Got back in to the city ok, only a little traffic where the tollbooth gods decided to have only 1 cash lane, which of course blocks the iPass lanes because people move to the right at the last possible time. Working today, which was fine. Bus was pretty much completely empty this morning, which was pleasant. Got some Krispy Kreme this morning, to just complete the whole Thanksgiving gluttony thing. Really have a florist wedding consult tomorrow, so headed out to Tracy's tonight.