12:20 PM Wednesday, <November 23>, <2005>
Finally all caught up on Season 5 of Alias. I'm just not buying into this season though. Probably just the idea of the changing of the guard, new faces, different conspiracy. I'm thinking they should have just done what Felicity did, ended after 4 years. They could have wrapped up a conspiracy, had a huge series ender, then started fresh, same concept, but new people, new direction. Oh well. Can't believe that it's in the 5th season though. Long time. Also watched an episode of My Name Is Earl. It's not laugh out loud funny, well, maybe it is, but it's definitely quirky humor. For me, it's surreal humor. Also caught the last half or so of National Treasure. Good clean fun there. I also moved some furniture around, just the bedroom for now. I'll have to clean out the Data Center before anything else moves, since there's so much crap in there. And I figured out that Calcium takes Airport Express and not just plain Airport. So that's more stuff I need to get. Headed out to Tracy's tonight for a pre Thanksgiving dinner and then out to Woodstock for the big day tomorrow, and back in to the city since I have to work on Friday. So after catching up on Alias, my DVR's down to under 50% utilization. Nothing but Lost on it now.