11:06 AM Monday, <November 13>, <2006>
So Friday night met up with Russell at the Apple Store up on Michigan Ave. Passed by the new Garmin store that's opening up where the Sony Style store used to be. Really? An entire store for GPS products? Really? Anyway, I went to the Apple Store to check one thing and one thing only, if the 2nd generation MacBooks hinge squeaks. Answer: nope, it doesn't. Nice and quiet. They even had first generation back by the iPods which did have the squeak, then walking up to the new ones up front, and no squeak. They even seem a little more polished in terms of manufacture. I knew I should have waited. I wonder if I could just replace the case at some point in the future? Anyway, dinner at Bandera, which is, as pointed out to me, way too touristy. That place, like Darwin's, is now dead to me. The Last King of Scotland was spectacular, and I had forgotten why I was familiar with the story until the end, which takes place before Operation Entebbe, which I have read about. Anyway as Russell has pointed out, pretty disturbing scene in that movie. Anyway, Saturday rolls around, do some cleaning with my mom around the condo, head out to mass and dinner at Jin Ju, leaving before the Russells show up. Finish the evening up with some more Las Vegas (tv show) and some work on Tun's website. Wordpress is a pretty cool blogging tool/software/content management system/whatever you call it. Impressive. It's also been a long while since I've done any sort of web development. Sunday was more of the same, before picking up Tracy at Midway with absolutely impeccable timing, pulling up to arrivals just as my phone rings. Impressive.