10:49 AM Wednesday, <November 9>, <2005>
Need sleep badly. It's bad when you can feel your body breaking down because of the lack of sleep. Really bad. I can just feel it. And it's not good. So I'm hoping I get lots of sleep on this vacation. Should be fun. But before that I've got to finish up another day of work, a part time job interview at Apple Store Old Orchard, and staying out at Tracy's. We're getting dropped off and picked up by her parents at the airport, which comes in handy when we have to be there really early in the morning. Makes sense in terms of cars, too, since there's no worry about my car getting a ticket in their driveway and I don't have to pay for parking. Otherwise, wish I could be watching even more TV. Alias Season 4 is definitely picking up, and I really want to figure out what happens, and I've getting tempted to read episode guides to find out. But I'll hold off. Otherwise, doubtful for any updates before next Tuesday, but I'll try and post pictures to my Flickr account.