1:33 PM Tuesday, <October 3>, <2006>
Driving back from Tracy's was fun last night. Right through one of the many storms that made their way through Chicagoland last night. After watching How I Met Your Mother and Studio 60, I hopped in Puck and made my way to a gas station, since I needed some gas. But the Gas City on 143rd had its lights off. Hmmm, maybe because of all the lightning? So I drive north on Lemont to the other Gas City, pull in just as the sheets of rain come pouring down. Oh, the credit card system is down. Guess I need to pay cash, of course I only have $9 in the money clip. Enough to get me home with plenty to spare. But can't remember the last time I paid for gas in cash. People are also pulling into the station to park, since they don't want to be driving. But I hop back in and drive away, slowly. So yeah, made my way back in. Lots of drivers had their blinkers on, so I pushed the little triangle button as well. No one's going stupid fast, no tail gaiting, no cars in ditches. Only storm related stuff I saw was an overhead highway sign hanging from its structure and the streetlamps were off. But I made pretty good time probably because there was no traffic cause everyone was pretty much going the same safe speed. But fun. I guess I like driving. Got a couple new alarm clocks. Supposedly you could just plug it in and it would set itself, but I'm guessing living in a large condo building somehow prevents that from happening, cause I set it myself. One of them, Tracy's side, has a thermometer. It was a balmy 80° when I first got home. Crazy. Love the fact that the building decided to turn the steam heat on back in September.