12:50 PM Friday, <October 21>, <2005>
Brother's coming to town. Should be fun. Pretty much spending the weekend with the family. Hopefully will be fun for Tracy too, since I'm dragging her along. Tonight Tracy and I are hitting up Wildfire, since I tried to get the family reservations for tomorrow night, but no deal, but was able to sneak in a party of two for this evening. So consider it a scouting mission. Instead, the family's having dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy in Schaumburg. Should be good. Otherwise, gonna be a full house in Woodstock. Also should give me a chance to try out ARD, since I've been having issues with it across the internet, I'll be able to actually see if it works across the room. Besides that, I finally got laundry done. It's pretty annoying that I think someone managed to take up 6 dryers all by themselves. Seriously. You need that many? I can't wait until I have a washer/dryer in-home. Even if I can only do one load at a time, I could do a load every week. I'm just saying. I also could really use some sleep. I'm averaging around 6.5 or so for the last week. Not so good. Just seems so hard when I've got stuff on the DVR and all the Lost and Alias still on there since I haven't watched last seasons which are sitting on hard drives. One of these days, I'll have to have a Lost/Alias-fest and plow through what I have. Like that's ever going to happen.