8:42 AM Thursday, <October 13>, <2005>
Hung out with some Mr. Briefcaseers last night at Darwin's. I also got to try out their WiFi access, which works well. Pretty sweet, drinking beer, web surfing. Not a bad way to spend an evening, well, the early evening. Finally made the BR brothers watch The Tao of Pong. Finally. And then I took it back. And now it's the day after the Apple video iPod announcement, and well, I'm still intrigued by it. But more so I'm gonna try and get stuff onto my cell phone instead. And wait for the widescreen version that's going to come out eventually. Actually, I'm more excited about the future home theater mac using Front Row to buy and download TV shows and movies with decent resolution. Would I then get rid of cable? Probably not. Well, maybe. Is there anything that I watch that is worth seeing live? Life on demand. It's coming.