8:27 AM Wednesday, <October 12>, <2005>
Tracy got an iPod nano (White 4GB) yesterday. Sweet little bugger. It's tiny. And great. I started ripping some of her music to put on it, which means I'm getting even more music. Also managed to sync up some pictures too, and the photo capability of the nano is incredible. Very nice. And so tiny. So tempting. I'm happy that there weren't any problems, and it works and the screen didn't crack and it didn't have to be reset and it came charged. Just a great little product. Of course, Apple has some sort of announcement today, 12pm CST, so who knows what I'm gonna buy next from them. The only problem for me is how I'm going to find out what the event is about. I used IRC for a couple MacWorlds, but it hasn't been available recently. Most of the usual websites are gonna get slammed, as usual, so it'd be nice to have something that not a lot of people know about. And I'm going out to lunch with co-workers, so I won't even be able to see it real-time. Anyway, headed to Darwin's tonight, Sally's birthday. And my take on One More Thing (October 12, 2005).