9:04 PM Saturday, <October 1>, <2005>
Wow, that works on a bunch of different levels. So my attempt at getting to the 10 year high school reunion was, admittedly, pretty weak, but I did show up. Drove out last night, showed up at the game around 8:15pm, stayed till about 8:40 or so, didn't seen anyone I knew or remembered, so we left and got some food from the Jailhouse Restaurant on The Square before jetting back into the city. Oh well, maybe the official reunion, if it happens, I could be on time for, or actually have a phone number on me of someone who might be there. Saturday, woke up with Tracy who's working the weekend, and stayed up to watch TV and try and fix Oxygen. All the repeated resets and hard power downs didn't do good stuff, so the disk had some serious volume errors. I still don't know what might be wrong with the machine itself. Kernel was loading, but choking at some point, but I haven't tried a boot CD yet, but there's some other things I'd be willing to try. I'm just hoping I can get pictures and music off it. And I'll start serious backup methods. At least I've got an off site email backup with gmail.