11:21 AM Wednesday, <September 28>, <2005>
Worked out last night. That was good. Feeling better. Not that I was feeling bad before. But I've mentioned it before, sound body, sound mind. Or something like that. Anyway, watched more TV last night, Las Vegas and My Name Is Earl. And that would be it. Got a cell phone off eBay, a Nokia 8890. Got a good deal on it, Tracy might end up using it, except that it's really old. The screen on it, well, it's not so good. And it's roughly the same size as my Sony Ericsson K750i, but with a screen that's half as big and displays roughly 262,143 fewer colors. But it looks pretty cool. Too bad the Nokia 8801 is way too expensive. That'd be a pretty nice looking phone. I shouldn't need a new one for at least a couple of years.