12:04 PM Thursday, <September 22>, <2005>
Wow, that title works on a bunch of different levels. Lost a day posting. Whoops. Anyway, Tuesday night went to Jin Ju, great food, as usual. Took a short walk around Andersonville, another nice place. Ended up watching Gilmore Girls and Arrested Development. Only had like 1/3 of a bottle of soju at dinner, but now I've got some in my fridge, which is cool. Wednesday made my return to Darwin's. Felt like coming home, and felt like it was never gone. Next time I won't drive. Probably headed back on Friday. Tonight I'm hitting up Piece for the second week in a row, this time to see Lystra's Silence, Bryan's brother's band. They're driving through tonight. So Lost started up again last night, and I still haven't finished last season yet. Ugh. And I tried and failed and then hacked my way around updating my firmware on my cell phone last night, mainly to get decent video bitrate back, and ended up losing all my settings. Numbers and calendar stuff was easy thanks to iSync, but everything else? Ugh. Besides that, I've gone out every night since last Saturday. That might be a bit much. Especially when, wait for it, I have laundry to do. Ugh. Oh well.