Archive of <November> <2016> [reverse chronological]

12:12 PM Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Completely missed an October update. And now it's November, and the the world feels different than it did 2 weeks ago. The world is different than 2 weeks ago. And it feels like the direction changed. Before that day, the usual: enjoying the kids, the internet, working, still not riding bikes besides with the family to get places. And after? Still the same activity, but with a general feeling of unease, maybe even dread, sadness. And probably when it comes down to it, not many changes for me and mine in this very diverse and democratic big city I live in, but I start to wonder if this is the country I want to raise my kids. And then I realized that the country isn't raising my kids, I am, and Tracy is, and we can hopefully have them turn out different from what the electoral college has determined. Just keep on keeping on, and will have to figure out where we can help, what we can do. Going to try and host Thanksgiving at our house, which means doing my first turkey. Should hopefully be good. Work moved to a different floor at the Sears/Willis Tower, only 3 floors up. Much bigger space. But before that, I got to work from home for October because we were still in the old space and had to consolidate offices with another company we purchased earlier in the year and their office shut down before the new spacious office opened up. Much bigger, much nicer, and also much nicer not having to help out too much or organize or move. Much more relaxing. Also, feels like a bigger company. I know maybe a quarter or less of the people in the office now. All new to me. Definitely weird. A little bit like when I started, and I just knew the small group of people in IT. Started reading again, well, the same books as always. Started out with Soon I Will Be Invincible. Starting up Ready Player One so I know how to handle the upcoming dystopia. Also decided to rip the DRM from my iTunes Video purchases and use Plex for my streaming needs. Just so much faster for my local media files, of which I have a lot. But slow going because I had to setup the older Mac mini with Lion to run Requiem, and then copying about 200 GB of files back and forth to remove DRM. But Plex is pretty sweet. Also started VPN'ing through home when on my personal devices at work.
Archive of <November> <2016> [reverse chronological]