filter, fractioned reality, lids heavy with wanted sleep, mind, lost, without time off, without a chance for cronjobs overnight to run, to clear the log files, to run upkeep, the cobwebs, clouded, jolted, slow, as if drugged on wakeness, the opposite of sleep. waking life, or waking sleep, instead of sleep walking, or waking, no, it's already there, in day dreams, in escapes from reality to the other side, to experience, to let loose, the inhibitions, the lines blur, the walls crumble without proper support for a good night's rest, as if the evening itself is the owner of sleep. attempting to function, to persue, and peruse, to create, or at least catalyze, cattle lies, and run, and compile, compound, and make, to do something.
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]
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