long day, longer night, longest word is something like antedileuvian or some thing like that, lack of sleep equaling the amount of effort? do all good things come to an end? i was going to use that line once, long long ago, in order to end a relationship, don't worry Jen, this was way before you, it was actually kusek to those that know, and i was all set to say how all goo d things come to an end, how a good wine can only be aged so long before it gets tasted, how a sunset can't last forever, and so on, wondering if time disappears when it's most needed, like that little 1x1x1/3 lego piece of that particular color, that you're digging around, looking for to complete your masterpiece of creativity, and wasting time, like spilt milk, looking up spilt in the dictionary because i didn't know how to spell it, stomach growling, needing sustenance, funny, the stomach growled more after i wrote that it was growling, tired, always tired, will sleep be my constant companion in the months to come? will i see her for 8 hours a night, will she come quickly and easily to my side when i lay myself down to bed? will she always be there, day in, day out, maybe sometimes for a quickie, afternoon nap, but understanding when the guys want to play poker? tap, tap, tap...
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