why is it that the television shows i watch, the movies i see, they get to me, they get inside, they invoke this power, this drawing out of emotions, that's just incredible, the method, the procedure in which it does. trojan war, dawson's creek, mscl, other shows, other television shows, other forms of entertainment, how could i forget , invoking, evoking, empathizing, realizing, understanding, the relative human nature, the broad over arcing themes that surround, that encompass who i am, who we all are, i miss deep seated emotions, i miss the passion, the desire, the kind that dwells deep in the heart, that sits in the gut, wrenches, and twists, and turns, and makes you curl up in a ball on your bed, or causes you to skip along the sidewalk on the way home, or reach that much more to get those steps, to beat your man to the disc, to program for hours, and more hours, and hours again without end. that's what i miss.
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]