okay, back to the political stuff.
so this whole Kerry Catholic religion thing has got me wondering what we look for in elected officials. what we should look for, what we end up looking for, what we get. do we elect officials with similar viewpoints to ourselves? with the same concepts of personal issues. or do we look at which candidate would be best for the country? democracy, or republic, or whatever it's supposed to be, nation state, people of that nation state, should, be choosing leaders, policy makers, that are good for the well being of the nation state. what is the good of the nation state? the good of its people. really? there's a movie out there that intrigues me, called The Corporation about the companies, and if a company was judged as an individual, judged as a person, that person would be a psychopath. should a government be subject to the same idea? anyway, that's a tangent, maybe another political musing altogether, and now I'm starting to sound like Bill Simmons. Okay, so now I think I should be looking for candidates that would be best for the country. which means I need to figure out what that would be. being well liked by friends? doing what's right? standing up for the little guy? making lots of money? getting a girlfriend? or maybe becoming the best little country it can be, doing the things it does right, performing well, running like a well oiled machine. so now what presidential candidate might that be?
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