what if by paying taxes, it'd be like buying stocks? except that you have to pay every year, but disregarding that little concept, the idea of government as a corporation. probably not the smartest thing to do considering the rash of corporate corruption, but the government is already a step ahead on that. imagine if the gov't had to trade on the NYSE. If it had to answer to stockholders, who could take the money, cash out, and buy another corp to do the same sort of things. i'm looking to that future of the new world order. of multi nationals. of tessier ashpools, with fingers in everything. i speak of privatization on the national scale. of course, things like verisign's site finder are things that happen when that happens, or from what i understand the california power crisis of a few years back. but something, some way of, like now, understanding what exactly my taxes pay for. the plowed streets. streets in general, sidewalks, street lights and walk signs. public transportation, to a point. orderly flow of traffic. money that i paid for breakfast. a clean and healthy diner. so never mind. i'm getting plenty for my money.
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