context switching, something remembered from computer architecture, cs322, how a processor moves from doing one set of instructions, stopping, moving whatever was being done to registers, fetching a previous set of instructions from the registers, performing some operations on those, then repeat, rather, rinse, and so on. switching gears, like those slot car racers, but not the cub scout versions, no, i'm talking about those hot wheels, tyco, or whatever with the wired controllers with the triggers, those, with the little x crossovers, where you can switch tracks but only at a specific point on the track, at a specific space and time, but context switching, it's also synchronous, clock based, every couple of nanoseconds, switch memories, then switch back, but it's not task based, it's not here, let me finish this multiplication and addition, nope, it's let me finish this multi, okay, let's try this divi, okay back to the tion and add, oh wait, back to finish sion, and then the stuff is done, and complete, and you can move on. switching tasks.
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