sugary spun cotton candy, honey colored strands of caramel, outturned forks over buttered broomsticks, pink clouds of pulled out, cotton candy, on rolled sticks of paper, elephant ears, little game booths, funnel cakes and loads of powered sugar, confectioners candy, daisies, sunflowers, sundresses, red Gingham picnic table clothes, spread out under a big leafy tree, on green green grass, bottles of wine, sandwiches, and fruit, cheesecake, apple pies, bonfires and s'mores, moonlit skinny dipping, cars with sunroofs, music from tape players, gazebos with music, dancing under the stars, puppy dogs, kittens, bluebirds singing on branches outside windows, basketball on a driveway hoop, lowered for dunking, bike riding, no handed, up and down hills, walking through trails in backyards, in woods, spring budding leaves and flowers on plants and trees
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]
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