cute couple, i think ted and kristen make a cute couple, sweet even, watching them walk down the hallway together after seinfield tonight, that was just cute. the things that put a smile on my face. do i register this? this online journal, this mishmash of words letters and 1's and 0's that seem to travel through wires across nations, oceans, okay, not oceans yet, forming concepts and ideas, whinings and dinings, and complaints. what is wrong with personal choices? what is wrong with individuality? on teams, only in the right conditions, but not in playing. there is a time and place for everything and nothing. i grow weary, of things, of being a bank, yet noone takes out any money. no one walks up to the teller and wants to make a transaction, or even start up an account, or anything. just use the bank down the street. does it look too nice? does the building have a weak foundation? are the doors locked? there isn't any advertising, no, but isn't there always walk in, at least a little, walk in traffic? not here. college days, running short, sun comes up, clothes come off, everyone finds it harder to work in good weather.