Drive Ins and Double Jeopardy. I saw the movie at the place, out in Carol Stream, last Sunday night. Even though it was a wee bit cold for a drive in, it was my first ever visit, and it was really cool. I enjoyed myself a lot. Throwing the football around, tossing the disc, playing in the playground, some fun and cool times. Wish I had realized that sooner about drive in movie theaters. And onto the movie itself, a good show, entertaining. But not one to own, which I believe is my new standard of reviews, whether or not a movie is good enough to own. But Tommy Lee Jones does alright as a parole officer for a house of female ex-convicts, and Ashley Judd is an attractive woman. But it's got a pretty thin plot, but still, I was entertained enough to sit on a roof of a car for 2 hours in the full moon on a chilly October night.
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