So what does it take to make a Nationals Calibur Ultimate team? What does it take? Talent? Numbers? Dedication and hard work? A little luck, maybe. Maybe all of that. What do we have in Chicago? W2ND. TACO. Besides two really bad names, one going to nationals, probably in a rebuilding year, and the other on its last legs. How big is the talent pool in this city? Enough to sustain two national calibur teams? Is any city that big? Why not be the first? Actively recruit. Scout the college scene. Look for unhappy players in other cities. Turn the sport big time, to play in the big leagues. Such is a club sport on the verge of making it big. I'm too small to play in the big leagues. Or I will be soon enough. Don't know if I should take that step, into something instead of handed to me, for the first time in my life. Actively seek it out, and to try and make it happen. Because I think TACO, or the players that make up TACO, could do it. We could. We should. But the question remains, will we?
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