wagers, gambling, addictions, spinning chances, bets, the future, the immediate present, just over the hill, through the dale, on the bed, what exactly does it all mean, the steak dinners, the ribeye, the t-bone, the new york strip, when it all comes down to it, what really matters? the potatoes, the vegetables, the red wine that accompanies the real meal, beef is beef, meat is meat, mut some meat is better than others, i like potatoes, i like them baked, and mashed, au gratin, in a cake, side dishes, choices, decisions, appeals, understandings throughout peepholes, grapevines knowledge travels up phlem, xylem, transfer of chemicals, of rudimentary information, from stem to stem, leaf to leaf, plant to plant through third methods like birds, truth stranger than fikshun, across root systems, to roots, nests, homes and places to call home, homey, remembering old memories, old couches, old wool blankets, fireplaces and well worn books, glasses and grey hair and a cup of tea or was it cocoa, and it turns out good and well, honest and true, and just a little far out, fingertips away
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]