sliding doors, a life two lives, a path diverged, a fork in the road, minutes seconds, miles apart, different lives, a single choice, a mistake even, but all roads lead to rome, inexorably, without fail, the goal of all life, death, the steps we must all take, fate, the fates weaving tapestries of life, two strings from one, found, remembered, and fixed, both strings become one, one, that single path, that one road through life, find it early, find it late, find it without knowing you're on it, highway systems of living, roadtrips, greyhound buses, amtrack trains, airplanes, faster than light travel, tachyons, quantum physics, i'm there and here, both and not, just don't observe me, and i'm everywhere, but we all start and end, circles, without ending, without begining, everything you left behind you return to, everything that was will be, everything that will be, is, and life continues, the steps, the roads, the trips and travels, pit stops, gas stations, rest stations, tourist traps, quaint towns in pennsylvania, chinese food on a late night, memories, good ones, of one path taken, but the road returns, doesn't it always, back to merging, on the highway of me
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]