strangers with candy, illuminatius trilogy, wonder of non wonders, it all makes sense to me now, the gibberish, the fact and falsities, the truth and fiction, yeah, these are the days that try men's times, these are the days of worn paths around tree trunks, familiar steps, always, familiar steps, been here, done that, walk this way talk this way, always remember, always there, memories, teachers, maybe finally understanding, is 2 the magic number? 1 is supposed to be the loniliest number, 7 isn't so good either, nor are the odd numbers in general, or a prime for that matter, 5 or 7 or 11, but 2's special, third time's a charm? charms, bracelets, dangling images of speciality, of interest, of things that make sense, and beauty, truth and love, wonder of wonders, regrets, understandings, under stand ings, conclusions, realizations, understandings. and time, sweet, dear old time, a friend of mine, i wish you peace and godspeed, race towards the end, sprinting, the lone lope of a runner with the finish line in view, but hallucinating on that 13th mile of the marathon, not quite there, but keep running
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