another day passes, few words spoken, fewer words heard, and the world keeps spinning, the trains keep running, the sun rises and sets, and life keeps going. there is no pause for heartache. life is funny. hilarious even. repeatable. repetitious. practice makes perfect. funny. highlarryus. go figure. figure four. four eyes. eye spy. games people play in cars for long trips, like pididdle. or something like that. documentation, that seems to be my strong suit, or at least what i spend my time on. forgetting things, things that should be remembered, to be shared, and given freely, but forgotten, and such is the way, with no chance for change, a couple quarters, some dimes and a nickle, don't forget the pennies, cause the pennies always add up, and using some of them here and there always makes things easier, if a little slower, more exact, like under a microscope or through a telescope, to make things bigger than they are, to believe you are seeing them as they are, when in fact light travels through many mediums, altered by them all, before reaching the cornea only to be affected again, before being made into electric impulses from rods and cones and transmitted by electrical impulses across neurons in the brain, to be recognized finally for some other abstraction of data
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]