hidden, continuations, sri-lanka, that city in the clouds, on top of a mountain, where life is, without the harshest interruptions, nice and perfect and beautiful, history shows us things, the past is our friend, it should affect effect alter our perceptions of the future, of the present, of what we are, and what we want to be, and what we shall be, continuity, an AI from Gibson, a computer thought in the minds of her creators, continuity, continuous, consistent, fluid, all in one motion, the arm comes back, shoulder leader elbow leading wrist, before release, and away it goes, taught by others, gained and understood, pride and prejudice, truth and justice, the american way, in ways not yet seen or understood, the changes begin, teh environment, the history, somethings don't, most do, but some don't, the exceptions to the rules, that make such rules exist, because without, there's perfection, and nature abhors vacuums.
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]