fear, fear is a strange thing, a friend, part of family, it's in the blood, the tingler, relies on it, feeds off it, fear, of the unknown, of real situations, to be placed, that it could happen, to me, to me, realism, realistic, it could be me, i know people like that, i've been in situations like that, suspension of reality, when it's actually suspension of irreality, when does the world that we live and breathe stop being that, when the world we see and hear becomes what we live and breathe, how done well, images remain, stay, and sit, fester, lurk, there are few images in life that stick, like wallpaper in the attic of the mind, the kind you don't get rid of, the stuff that you just sand and put a nice thick layer of primer over, and forget about it, but it's there, it'll always be there, and how this sticks, like glue, like the al on defense, it's that constant reminder of what could happen, not what did, but what could, there are no rules, there are no regulations, it just does
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