subjugation to a greater whatever, a part of something, missing, the increase of the self importance, priority, stem cell research, no longer specialization, nation states, company nations, office governments, cells, and the me first, the I, the dog eat dog world, tails chewed off, no pack mentality, to each his own, yet, at the same time, a dichotomy, a fundamental disconnect between me and team, that no man is an island, the interconnectedness of all things, the force, the star wars hookey. ripples in the water. all in the ocean. take, give, part of the whole. always part. not the whole. except for crusoe, he was on an island, and castaway. but before, when you didn't know better, with limited communication, not as much knowledge, and stuck in place, in the hierarchy, niche, position in life. but now, knowing more, being fed different things, even the rags to riches, the movement, the change, the development, like cancers, and what's the biological precedent, death? where growth continues without bounds, overtakes, inundates, overloads. but then again, maybe the next step up won't follow biological examples, maybe there's something that hasn't been found yet. and waiting for the singularity.
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