flirting, limits, expectations and salutations, that bar to reach, the dangling stick for dogs to jump to, before falling into water, but wondering, an early christmas present? but no logic, no reasoning, the valuation, the paper and imagined money, and perceived value, mere guesses, public assumptions of worth, and the people make the company, instead of the company makes the company, and public and private, the in clique, the popular crowd, the haves vs. the have nots, and the press and prom with corsages and limos, homecoming courts and the air of superiority, instead of the hallway down wall street, on the floor of the exchange, and wondering, who's gonna take me to the prom, who should i ask to go to the prom, what's it look like, what might it look like, would it look ok, and it's all just eventually meaningless, yet can make and break and destroy and leave baggage that takes years and therapy to remove
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]
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