Archive of <May> <2016> [chronological]

11:54 PM Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Sold the condo on Monday. And now we're back down to only 1 property. Yay? Feeling bittersweet about selling though. It was home for 7 years or so? Lucy and Jackson's first home. But anyway. Ordered up some Samba Originals (instead of the Classics, because I didn't need to fold the tongue over). Hoping they fit. Figured I needed some athletic shoes to chase the kids around the playgrounds and parks and stuff. Been sick (head cold I think), started last Thursday, and I think in the trailing edge. Just need to get the mucus out of my head, and away from the back of my throat. Been going through lots of cough drops to prevent hacking up a lung and actually being able to do some work. Actually feels better if I whisper. Oh, and started watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It's good, and in some strange ways, oddly familiar.
9:59 PM Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Went to my 20th, err, 21st high school reunion last weekend. Out of 105 graduating classmates, I counted 13 who showed up. It was, interesting. Parents also threw a birthday party for Lucy, who turned 6. Bought another bike off Craigslist, a 1983 Miyata 610. That will be the one long ride bike, while the Raleigh Super Course will become a daily driver/commuter for me. If it isn't too small.
Archive of <May> <2016> [chronological]